How to add Signature to the pages
To add Signature to the pages
To add Signature to the pages, you have to do one of the following:
To fill in a signature field, you have to click on the unsigned field in the document pane. Or select the unsigned field in the Signatures palette, and choose Sign Signature Field from the palette menu. You can also right-click the field in the palette or document, and choose Sign Signature Field from the context menu.
To add a new signature field and sign at the same time, select the Signature tool as shown below and drag to draw the field.
To sign the document invisibly, choose the File tab from the menu bar and select Sign and Save.
Follow the instructions for your signature handler. You may be prompted to log in to the handler. The handler might also ask for information about the signature, such as a signature appearance and a reason for signing.
1 comment:
Awesome ! I followed the steps mentioned above to add signature to the pages and successfully performed the task. I am grateful to you for explaining the complete process in such a simple and easy way.
digital signature
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